Does Your Agency Need a GRANT WRITER?
- Has your agency secured adequate grant funding for its existing programs?
- Does your agency have adequate funding to implement its new programs?
- Does your staff know how to identify potential program funders?
- Does your staff have the time and skills required to produce quality grant proposals?
If you answered NO to one or more of these questions, your agency will likely benefit from an external grant writer.
Please contact me for a free half-hour consultation to discuss your agency’s needs.
Please contact me for a free half-hour consultation to discuss your agency’s needs.
Does Your Agency Need a PROGRAM EVALUATOR?
- Has your agency documented community needs, especially among your target population?
- Does your agency have solid evidence that your existing programs are effective?
- Does your agency have solid evidence that your proposed program is needed in the community?
- Does your staff have the time and skills required to collect and analyze program impact data?
If you answered NO to one or more of these questions, your agency will likely benefit from an external evaluator.
Please contact me for a free half-hour consultation to discuss your agency’s needs.
Please contact me for a free half-hour consultation to discuss your agency’s needs.
"When your story is ready for rewrite, cut it to the bone. Get rid of every ounce of excess fat. This is going to hurt; revising a story down to the bare essentials is always a little like murdering children, but it must be done."
Stephen King